How to Reuse an Exam on Reggienet

1. Go to the “Reuse an Exam” page on Reggienet. 2. Select the exam you wish to reuse from the list of available exams. 3. Click on the “Reuse Exam” button next to the selected exam.

4. Enter the new course name, section number, and semester in which you will be using the exam. Then click on the “Submit” button. 5. The reused exam will now appear in your course shell under the Tests & Quizzes tool.

  • Go to your Reggienet account and log in 2
  • Click on the “Exams” tab 3
  • Select the exam you want to reuse 4
  • Click on the “Reuse Exam” button 5
  • Enter the new course information for the exam you are reusing 6
  • Click on the “Save” button

Ep. 013: Test What You're Teaching

Q: How Do I Reuse an Exam on Reggienet

If you need to reuse an exam on Reggienet, there are a few easy steps you can follow. First, log into your account and click on the “My Exams” tab. Next, find the exam you want to reuse and click on the “Copy Exam” button.

Finally, enter in the new information for the exam (course name, semester, etc.) and click on the “Save Exam” button. That’s it! You’ve now successfully reused an exam on Reggienet.

Go to the Course Page And Click on the “Tests & Quizzes” Tool

Once you’re in the Tests & Quizzes tool, click on the “Tests” tab. Click on the “+Add Test” button. Enter a name and description for your test, then click “Continue.”

On the next page, select how you would like to add questions to your test. You can add questions one at a time, or you can import them from a question bank. If you’re adding questions one at a time, select the “Create Question” button.

Enter the question text and answer choices (if applicable), then click “Submit.” Repeat this process for each question you want to add. If you’re importing questions from a question bank, first select the appropriate question bank from the drop-down menu.

Then, use the checkboxes to select which questions you want to add to your test and click “Submit.” When you’re finished adding questions, click on the “Settings” tab. Here, you can specify how many points each question is worth and whether students will see correct answers after they complete the test.

When you’re done making changes, click “Submit.” Now that your test is created, it’s time to administer it! Go back to the “Tests” tab and click on the down arrow next to your test’s name.

Select “Publish Now” from the drop-down menu. You will be taken to a new page where you can specify when students will be able take the test and how many attempts they are allowed.


5 million Americans will lose their health insurance in 2019 2.5 million Americans are expected to lose their health insurance in 2019, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. The CBO estimates that the number of people without health insurance will increase by about 1 million in 2020 and 2021, before leveling off at about 3 million in 2022.

The agency attributes the projected increase largely to the elimination of the individual mandate, which required most Americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty. Without the mandate, fewer people are expected to obtain coverage through the individual marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act, and more are expected to be uninsured. The CBO also projects that premiums in the individual market will rise by an average of 10 percent over the next two years as a result of the mandate’s repeal.

Click on the Name of the Test You Wish to Reuse

Assuming you are talking about a software testing tool, there are a few different ways to do this. If the test was created in Selenium IDE, you can simply export it as a Java file and then import that into your new project. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the code from the old project into the new one.

If the test was created using a different tool, you will need to recreate it in Selenium IDE.


The Different Types of Makeup Brushes There are all sorts of makeup brushes available on the market, and it can be tough to know which ones you actually need. In this blog post, we’re going to break down the different types of makeup brushes and their purposes, so you can build the perfect collection for your needs.

Foundation brush: As the name suggests, a foundation brush is designed for applying foundation. It will help you to achieve a smooth, even finish. Look for one with synthetic bristles that are densely packed together.

Concealer brush: A concealer brush is smaller than a foundation brush and has softer bristles. This is because you don’t want to apply too much pressure when using a concealer, as it can cause creasing. Use this brush to apply concealer under your eyes and in any other small areas that need coverage.

Powder brush: A powder brush is typically large and fluffy, making it ideal for applying loose powder or setting powder. The soft bristles will help to create a natural-looking finish. Look for one with natural bristles if you want an eco-friendly option.

Blush brush: A blush brush is similar to a powder brush but smaller in size. Again, natural bristles are best as they’re gentle on the skin. Use this type of brush to add some colour to your cheeks – just be sure not to overdo it!

Select “Reuse Test” from the Action Menu

If you’re looking to reuse a quiz or test that you’ve already created in Canvas, there are a few different ways that you can go about doing this. The first option is to select “Reuse Test” from the action menu. This will bring up a new page where you can choose which course you want to copy the quiz or test into.

Once you’ve selected the course, click on the “Copy” button and the quiz or test will be copied over. Another way to reuse a quiz or test is to export it as an IMS QTI file. To do this, select “Export” from the action menu and then choose “IMS QTI.”

This will allow you to save the quiz or test as a file on your computer, which you can then import into another Canvas course.


What is the difference between a small company and a large company? When it comes to businesses, size does matter. Small businesses are defined as having fewer than 500 employees, while large businesses have 500 or more employees.

But that’s not the only difference between these two types of companies. Here are four key ways small and large businesses differ: 1. Structure: Small businesses are typically less formal when it comes to their structure and hierarchy.

There may be fewer levels of management and employees often wear multiple hats. Large businesses, on the other hand, tend to have a more traditional hierarchical structure with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. 2. Resources: With fewer resources at their disposal, small businesses have to be more creative when it comes to getting things done.

They also tend to be more nimble, which can be an advantage in today’s ever-changing business landscape. Large businesses, meanwhile, have greater financial resources and can therefore afford to invest in larger projects or hire specialized staff. 3. Customer focus: Because they deal with fewer customers, small businesses can often provide a more personalized level of service.

Large businesses may have the benefit of economies of scale but they sometimes lose sight of the individual customer in the process. 4.. Growth potential: Small businesses typically experience faster growth than large companies because they are starting from a smaller base.

Choose the Destination Course from the “Copy To” Drop-Down Menu And Click Submit

Assuming you would like information on how to use the Copy To function in Canvas: The Copy To feature allows you to quickly and easily copy content from one course into another. This is especially useful if you are teaching multiple sections of the same course or if you want to use content from a previous semester’s course in your current semester’s course.

Here’s how it works: 1. Go to the Settings menu in the course you want to copy content from and select Course Export. 2. On the Export Course page, select all of the content that you want to copy over to your other course (or just select specific items by using the checkboxes next to each item).

3. When you’re done making your selections, scroll down and click on Generate Export File. This will create a .imscc file of your selected content which can then be imported into another course.

4. Next, go into the destination course where you want to import the content and click on Settings again. Then select Import Course Content this time. 5. On the Import Content page, click Choose File and select the .

imscc file that you generated in Step 3 above. Then click Import Content at the bottom of the page. 6 That’s it!

How to Reuse an Exam on Reggienet


Reggienet Login

Welcome to the Reggienet Login blog post. Here we will provide detailed information on how to login to your Reggienet account. If you are not already a member, we highly recommend that you sign up for an account today.

With an account, you will be able to access all of the features of the website and take advantage of the many benefits that come with being a member. To login to your account, simply enter your username and password into the appropriate fields on the login page. Once you have done so, click on the “Login” button and you will be taken to your account dashboard.

From here, you can start exploring all that Reggienet has to offer! If you have any trouble logging in or if you forget your password, simply click on the “Forgot Password?” link on the login page and follow the instructions provided. We hope that this blog post has been helpful in providing you with information on how to login to your Reggienet account.


If you’ve already given your students an exam and they didn’t do so well, don’t despair! There are ways to recycle the exam and give your students another chance to show what they know. Here are some tips on how to reuse an exam:

1. Give the exam again, but with different questions. This time, focus on areas that were missed the first time around. 2. Use the same questions, but give partial credit for correct answers.

This will encourage students to go back and review their work. 3. Change the format of the exam. If it was a multiple choice test, make it essay questions instead.

Or vice versa. This will help students see the material in a new light and perhaps help them understand it better. 4. Make the stakes higher by offering extra credit or bonus points for those who improve their score from last time.

This will motivate students to really try their best!

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